Welcome to your IIOP Eportfolio

About ePortfolio

The IIOP ePortfolio has been specifically designed to meet the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs of Irish pharmacists.  This online tool allows you to plan, record and reflect on all aspects of your (CPD).  It has been designed in line with the IIOP CPD model and the PSI’s Core Competency Framework.

The IIOP encourages all pharmacists to continue to engage in CPD and to add / update cycles in their ePortfolio throughout the year.

ePortfolio home icon This is the ePortfolio home page. Click this to return to this landing page.
Manage cycles icon This is where you can manage your CPD cycles. In the Open Cycles tab you can create new cycles or amend existing cycles. Once complete they will move into the Completed Cycles folder and this is where you can submit your CPD cycles when called for review.
My progress icon This is where you can view summary information on your completed CPD cycles including information on the types of cycles created.
Reviews icon This is where you can access your ePortfolio Review certificate here when you have successfully completed the review process.
Support resources icon This is where you can view all the support resources associated with ePortfolio and ePortfolio Review as well as updates on the review process if you are selected for ePortfolio Review. These resources are typically in print format, though some are in video and interactive formats.

Safe and Secure

As you have logged into this section of the IIOP website with your secure username and password, your ePortfolio and the content within it is secure and only accessible and viewable by you.

If you have any questions please email us directly at info@iiop.ie and we will get back to you with a response.