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IIOP Event - Achieving Collective Impact in Addressing Problematic Polypharmacy

The Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) are delighted to be collaborating with the HSE’s National Medication Safety Programme and the HSE’s National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate, to host a session entitled “Achieving Collective Impact in Addressing Problematic Polypharmacy” as part of the 2024 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Charter Week Meeting.   

The session which will take place in-person in RCSI on Thursday 8 February 2024 from 14.45 – 16.15 will explore the topic of problematic polypharmacy from a range of perspectives including those of patients, researchers, pharmacists and clinicians across primary and secondary care settings, and policy makers at local and national level.  

As well as hearing presentations from each perspective, a panel discussion will be facilitated, enabling attendees to pose questions to the panel about how collective impact could be achieved in this area.  

The session aims to develop understanding of how healthcare professionals can collaborate to positively address polypharmacy in both primary and secondary care settings to improve patient care.  

IIOP Session Programme

8th February 2024
Achieving Collective Impact in Addressing Problematic Polypharmacy

Welcome & Introductions:

  • Dr Catriona Bradley, Executive Director, IIOP
  • Ms. Ciara Kirke, Clinical Lead, National Medication Safety Programme

Ms. Anne Mooney

Member of Patients for Patient Safety, Ireland


Dr Frank Moriarty

Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy & Biomolecular Science, RCSI


Prof. Emma Wallace

General Practitioner, Parklands General Practice, Cork City & Chair of General Practice, UCC


Ms. Niamh McMahon

MSc Course Director, Trinity College Dublin; Chief II Pharmacist, St. James's Hospital; Lead Pharmacist on the HSE National Clinical Programme for Older Persons; MRPharms (Consultant)


Prof. Catherine Wall

Consultant Nephrologist & Director of Quality, Safety & Risk Management, Tallaght University Hospital


Ms. Ciara Kirke

Clinical Lead, HSE National Medication Safety Programme

Panel Discussion Panel discussion 

Presenters' Bios

Title Name Current Position(s) / Role(s) Organisation(s) Biography Profile Image
Mrs. Anne Mooney Volunteer Patients for Patient Safety, Ireland I am retired and my retirement was brought about on the grounds of ill health. I now have more than one diagnosis and as a result I am on a number of medications otherwise known as polypharmacy.  
Dr Frank Moriarty Senior Lecturer School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences Dr Frank Moriarty is senior lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is also visiting research fellow and medications data lead at The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). He is a pharmacist and pharmacoepidemiologist, with interests in optimising medicines use and deprescribing, using a variety of research methods, particularly secondary analysis of routine data. F
Prof. Emma Wallace GP/Chair of General Practice Parklands General Practice, Cork City/UCC Professor Emma Wallace is a GP in north Cork city and Chair of General Practice in UCC. Her research focuses on optimising prescribing for people with multimorbidity and ways of predicting risk of adverse health outcomes and emergency admissions using mixed methods. She is currently Principal Investigator on a HRB Emerging Clinician Scientist Award examining problematic polypharmacy in older people attending general practice and a HRB Applied Partnership Award examining development and dissemination of evidence updates for GPs. Emma is a fellow of the University of Oxford International Primary Care Research Leadership Programme, an Associate Director of the Irish Clinical Academic Training PhD programme, Chair of the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) Quality and Safety in Practice committee and a Scientific Advisory Board member for TILDA and the HRB Primary Care Clinical Trials Network.  
Ms. Niamh McMahon MSc Course Director/Chief 2 Pharmacist Trinity College Dublin/St. James's Hospital Niamh has over 25 years experience in hospital practice, in leadership and management roles, including more than 15 years in Care of Older Persons, Lead pharmacist, HSE National Care Programme for Older Persons & founding member, Care of Older Persons' Special Interest Group, Hospital Pharmacists Association, Ireland (HPAI). Niamh successfully completed Royal Pharmaceutical Society Consultant Pharmacist Credentialing in 2022 becoming the first pharmacist based in the Republic of Ireland to be awarded this status. This provides formal recognition for her expert level of practice across five domains: person-centred care and collaboration, professional practice, leadership and management, education, and research. Her current research interests: addressing polypharmacy & potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people, deprescribing in frail older persons, and addressing medicines-related falls risk. N
Prof. Catherine Wall Consultant Nephrologist/Director of QSRM Tallaght University Hospital Prof. Wall is a practising nephrologist with a keen interest in Patient Safety and Quality of Care including Patient Centeredness.  She has collaborated with her pharmacy colleagues in a number of projects related to Medication Safety including Medication Reconciliation.  
Ms. Ciara Kirke Clinical Lead, National Medication Safety Programme Health Service Executive Ciara Kirke is Clinical Lead of the National Medication Safety Programme in the HSE. The programme aims to collaboratively reduce medication-related harm in line with the WHO Medication Without Harm Patient Safety Challenge. She is HSE Lead for the EU-funded iSIMPATHY project and co-lead on multiple research programmes. She led HSE actions to reduce harm with venous thromboembolism. Ciara is a medication error expert for the European Medicines Agency and an expert adviser to the WHO Patient Safety Unit. She is a founder member of the Irish and International Medication Safety Networks. Ciara was involved in the development and delivery of the WHO Challenge and is lead author of the WHO Medication Safety at Transitions in Care report. C


Registration details  

Should you wish to only attend the IIOP/HSE parallel session, you can avail of complimentary registration here

If, however, you would like to attend a range of Charter Week sessions, please register here. The programme of events for the Charter Meeting 2024 is available to view here.  

What RCSI Charter Week?  

RCSI Charter Week is an annual event, celebrating the granting of a Royal Charter and founding of the College in 1784. It is a multidisciplinary event, welcoming each of the faculties and speciality groups in RCSI. It will take place, in-person, from 06 to 09 February 2024 in RCSI, and the theme for the 2024 meeting is ‘Rising to Challenges in a Changing World’. The President of RCSI has extended the invite to the IIOP to participate in the schedule of events as a member of the postgraduate faculties within RCSI.  

We look forward to welcoming you to Charter Day 2024! 

Presented by: 

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