Dr Catriona Bradley

Executive Director IIOP
Tel. 01 402 5112
Catriona graduated from Trinity College in 1998, and obtained her PhD in 2009. She worked for Boots for 14 years, and held various positions across the areas of pharmacy, education, research and HR before being appointed as Pharmacy Director and Superintendent for Ireland. She has completed diplomas in Quality Improvement, Legal Studies and Coaching, and is a qualified executive and personal coach. She’s passionate about supporting and enabling pharmacists (and consequently the pharmacy profession) to realise their full potential.

Katherine Morrow

Operations Director
Tel. 01 402 5116
Operations Director

Sonya Saenz Saralegui

Operations Co-ordinator
Tel. 01 402 5112
Sonya has been working in the IIOP since May 2014. Prior to that, she worked as a Pharmacy Technician for Boots and Pharmasource. She looks after the Institute’s Finance system and provides administrative support to the IIOP Team.

Sarah Chambers

CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist
Tel. 01 402 5117
Sarah has been working in the IIOP since March 2018 as a CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist. Sarah works across a range of projects including statutory requirements such as ePortfolio Review and Practice Review as well as managing specific projects that focus on the development of pharmacists.

Alicia O’Dwyer

CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist
Tel. 01 402 5025
Alicia is a CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist for the Irish Institute of Pharmacy. She studied pharmacy in RCSI, and then completed the National Pharmacy Internship Programme, graduating with a Masters in Pharmacy in 2010. She then worked as a community pharmacist with Boots. In 2013 she moved to Sydney, Australia where she worked in the Department of Cardiology in the Prince of Wales hospital, before returning to Ireland in 2018. Alicia’s primary role in the IIOP involves managing the Practice Review process. She has also worked on a range of other IIOP projects such as the accreditation of training programmes.

Frank Bourke

Learning Technologist
Tel. 01 402 5114
Frank is the IIOP’s learning technologist. He has worked for the IIOP since February 2015 and looks after the online systems. This includes the Learner Management System (My Courses) , the ePortfolio system (including ePortfolio Review) and related training supports. Frank works closely with the institute’s course providers to ensure quality and timely courseware delivery. Frank is also an online learning instructional designer, software developer and software tester. You might want to contact Frank directly if you ever experience any technical difficulties while accessing online course content, or if you need any IIOP online system.

Audrey Cunningham

Operations Co-Ordinator
Audrey has been working in the IIOP since March 2020. She has a background as a pharmacy technician and in hospital administration in Dublin. She has also worked in clinical administration for a large audiology and hearing healthcare provider in Brisbane, Australia. She supports a range of projects in the IIOP including the webinar series, the IIOP newsletter and the support helpdesk.

Áine Barrett

CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist
Aine has been working in the IIOP since September 2020 as a CPD Quality Assurance Pharmacist. Aine works on a range of IIOP projects, including the procurement and accreditation of training programmes.